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A Biweekly Conversation.

The Wine Road provides the Wine, When and Where of Northern Sonoma to locals and visitors with tips and news on events, wineries, restaurants, outdoor activities, and places to stay.

Hosts Marcy Gordon and Beth Costa share their insider stories about the places to check out when you're exploring along the Wine Road.

Thank you to County of Sonoma, Board of Supervisors - District 5 for their support.

Dec 30, 2021

Wine Road Podcast Episode 140
Sponsored by Ron Rubin Winery

Episode 140 | End of the Year Recap with Beth and Marcy

As the year draws to a close, Beth and Marcy recap what went down on the Wine Road in 2021 and what’s on the horizon for 2022.

Wine of the Day – Orsi Vineyards Sparkling Brut

Wine Word of the Day – Legs /Tears

Podcast Sponsor – Ron Rubin Winery


1:15 Wine of the Day-- Orsi Family Sparkling Brut

3:15 Wine and Food Affair recap.

4:35 Tickets on sale now for Winter Wineland in January15 & 16th, 2022 and plans are in the works for Barrel Tasting which will be March 3,4,5,6 2022.

6:16 Our highlight of the year—Wine Road Podcast was inducted into the Taste Awards Hall of Fame and we won best Regional Podcast. Our medal count is now at three!

7:00 But the real highlight is getting email form you, our listeners! So keep those cards and letters coming!

7:50 Word of the Day-- Beth’s found a few new words—Awewalk & Thirsty. Our wine word: Legs.

11:18 This year we rebooted our Varietal of the Month feature and you can find them al on the Wine Road website.

11:44 New Members-- Ehert, Baldarssai, and Mengler wines all joined the Wine Road in 2021. Other news stuff-- New coffee shop in Geyserville, the Montage hotel, and wine Road member Coyote Sonoma doing music and trivia nights. Also new in Occidental --Altamont General Store.

14:40 Geyserville Inn has been newly remodeled and it’s surrounded by vineyards and next door is the Geyserville Grill

15:28 New in Sebastopol Sonoma Burger, and Blue Ridge in the Barlow

16:08 More things to check out--Sonoma Canopy Tours is happening and the Armstrong Woods have reopened! Check out Sonoma County Parks for links to all types of activities. Green Music Center at Sonoma State.

18:00 Order a Wine Road map to plan your visit. Things are popping again!


Orsi Sparkling Wine




Coyote Sonoma

Geyserville Inn

Altamont General Store

Sonoma Burger

Blue Ridge Kitchen

Podcast Sponsor: Ron Rubin Winery --

Wine Road

Wine Road Podcast Instagram -- @wineroadpodcast


The Wine Road podcast is mixed and mastered at
Threshold Studios Sebastopol, CA.